
Why does time go fast

Time still goes fast because well when your having fun and your with your friends or family your doing cool things or fun things you don’t even look at the time . Me when I’m having fun I don’t even look at the time because the things I’m doing is fun . I mean summer is coming and well I probably won’t even look at the time .

What I learned this week

Something I learned this week was how to read better like how to understand the words and how to write better too . I’m not good at writing but there’s time so I can get better . Also reading too so I can read fast and be good at reading so when I write I can use some reading skills

A Game I Would Want To Build is..

Is all about finding tools to leave a lost world . The character would be a lost person . He lost his parents and his home and they also abounded him and he found himself in a dark dark jungle like no where to go but the whole point of it is to find tool like a flashlight 🔦 so when he trying to go somewhere he can turn it on so he don’t fall into a hole also he would need a weapon to protect him self this game sounds good to playyy!!!😈

How games help us ?

Games are good for us because us as humans we like to entertain ourselves. We use video games too because it helps us learn from our mistakes And stuff like when you ina mood like sad or so you can just hop on and just be into it and you will probably will get happy because of the way that your good at something you like to do

What I learned yesterday

I learned something cool which is making video games on what ever cell phone you got . I’m really happy to really know how to do it I want tools to build a game non of y’all have heard of or seen. Just a heads up if I really do make a app or a game so you can download on your phone I’ll tell you guys and trust me you won’t regret downloading my app/game you will LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

You never get a second chance to make first impression

My brother because he was a bad guy in the streets doing bad stuff & violating houses etc . But he really did impress me because the way he was changing not doing bad stuff and being with his kid but when he was out there doing these things he was behind bars and stuff and he didn't really see us but he did impress me by changing hes life around by being a better person.

Should we have minimum day tomorrow?

I feel like yes we should because we never know if people have health problems and we dont know this . The heat is going to be very hot & i feel like we should come out early instead of burning herre at school/ classes. But I think thats it is a good idea . Something I think about the heat is its going to burn us and have us all sweaty.