A little bit of myself

My name is jose perez i have a middle name which is fernando. I was born in December 13,2000 @12pm! The place where i was born at was merian hospital. The schools i went to in kindergarten was liberty school 5-6 i went to Fairlawn school . 7-8 i went to El Camino, and here i am now at Santa Maria High School. Through my life time i went through tough times and easy times . I live with my mom and dad. Thier name is Martha And Cesar i have 2 older brothers the oldest is 24  his name is julio And the other one is 22 his name is luis and then it’s me which is 16 im the smallest one from the guys  and i have a sister which is 5 her name is melanie. All i can say is i love knowing new people from different races.


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