
If i just got to school and didn’t see any students or staffs here than something I would do is go to my failing classes to do all my work. In reality i dont really like to waste time really especially that noone is on campus. I would do everything why because of the way that no one/friends are going to disturb me. Where I would use my time would be in the computer lab or the library to do all my work . Something i would find meaningful/fun would be doing all my assignments/missing assignments. I would just rather stay on campus to do all my work instead of seeing all the missing assignments on my grade. I rather do it then leave it since im having the whole day without people disturbing me. If i would leave then I probably wont dont my assignments and just leave the wrong grades there . Like right now im trying this year so i can really catch up i just dont want to waste time I just want to get everything done nowww!!👊🏽 MUST READ☝️
